Information from Cormac concerning the work to be undertaken on the collapsed wall next to Newbridge Hill between 22 April and July 2019:
Last August 2018 the A390 at Gunnislake was closed for three days for the emergency stabilisation of a retaining wall. At the time, we received a lot of feedback from local residents and road users who were unhappy that the road had been closed. Following this, a programme and method of repair has been designed specifically around keeping the road open as much as possible, to minimise disruption. The machinery that would normally have been used is a large 13t plus excavator, with a drilling arm attached. This would be much quicker, but the road would have to remain closed for the full duration, since pedestrians and vehicles could not safely pass by. Earlier this week Devon County Council announced that they will be keeping the road closed for two weeks, to carry out their bridge repairs. Though it might appear advantageous for us to switch the method of work to the larger plant and work on a closed road, at such short notice (and with our start date on 22nd) we cannot obtain the specialist resources, mobilise to site and carry out the drilling in time to utilise their closure. We appreciate that this is frustrating for residents and those who use the road regularly, but please be assured that we do not wish to disrupt them and will be pulling out all the stops to get the repairs done as quickly as possible. However our start date and method of work must remain as originally planned.
Week commencing 22nd April, we will be on site and begin building the scaffolding within the existing lane closure and traffic management. The following week the drilling rig will be mobilised to site and we will begin drilling in to the slope. This can be a noisy process, however the majority of the work will be carried out during the daytime and every effort will be made to keep disturbance to a minimum.Next, rows of soil nails (up to ten metres in length) will be installed in to the slope and cement-grouted in place. Commencing Monday 3rd June, the road will need to be closed for up to two weeks, at night times, so that the concrete blocks can be removed and the bottom rows of soil nails installed. IF we encounter any safety issues or unforeseen engineering issues during the night-work, we may need to switch to a periodic daytime closer. However this would be an exception and only short term. During the night-work, pedestrian access will be maintained though, under supervision only. Anyone needing to pass through the works, should please allow a little extra time for their trip, so that the team will have the chance to finish their immediate task, shutdown machinery and make it safe, then guide them through the works.Following this and with the road re-opened under priority lane traffic management, stabilising, geotechnical, mesh and netting will be fixed and bolted in place with flat, metal plates.
Finally the retaining wall itself will be reconstructed and landscaping done, before the site is demobilised at around the end of July.The programme and method of work have been designed around keeping the road open as much as possible. However for the plant and equipment needed, this is a small operating space. If any safety concerns arise, or if delivery of materials require it, then temporary closures will need to be put in place. Please be assured that this will be avoided as much as possible, but the safety of our workforce and the general public is of greatest importance.We understand that this may cause disruption to those living in the vicinity and appreciate their patience and understanding whilst we carry out this essential work.
Anyone who has any queries or concerns should please call us on 0300 1234 222, or email us at
Lindsay Opie
PR & Communications Officer
Cormac Contracting
Tel: 01637 854 021